2011年10月16日 星期日

SOS from a Fresh Teaching Assistant!

     Knowing that teaching students is teacher’s responsibility for sure, it never occurred to me that how to be on the stage is what a teaching assistant should know. Teaching a class is by no means funny things to do. However, since that we teaching assistant are always there for help, I, a sophomore, accept the challenge of reviewing the course of the Code of Criminal Procedure and teaching the students how to write an indictment. At first, I thought it was easy for me to prepare the reviewing part because I had already followed the courses for months. But I gradually found out that it was really a tough work because the range was so wide that I didn’t know where I should start from. In addition, with the approaching deadline, I became more and more anxious. I remembered I ate fidget for dinner and worries with anxiety for treat in those days. Being desperately, I started to ask my friends for suggestions, and I went to CCU library for guides about how to write an indictment. “Why don’t you assume a situation that involved law problems” my boss pointed out, “then taught those students to write one indictment?”, with the inspiration from my boss, suddenly I realized it was not so difficult for me to construct all the ideas of the reviewing course. Finally, slides of the course were made after days of staying up. In that very day I stood up on the stage, with shaking hands and shivering sounds, I, as a fresh teaching assistant, teaching a class in front of 47 students successfully. “You are really funny! Every student is laughing!”After the class, encouragement from the students really warmed my heart. As an old saying goes, one minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage, I think I really taught a good lesson for myself.


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